GREAT FEAST, NATIVITY OF THE MOST BLESSED VIRGIN AND HOLY THEOTOKOS MARY: More honorable than the cherubim, and more glorious beyond compare than the seraphim, without corruption you gave birth to God the Word: true Theotokos, we magnify you.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The famous Icon known to all Filipinos, the Our Lady of Perpetual Help is the most Venerated Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is also Enshrined to a Church in Baclaran, Pasay under the care of Redemptorist Order, a Religious Congregation in the Catholic Church known for producing most of their Hierarchs and Clergies coming from the Byzantine Rite. Many case of Miracles have been reported because of Intercession to the Lady and the plea of the Faithful.

Today we commemorate the Birth of the Most Blessed Virgin and Theotokos Mary, the Mother of God and ever Virgin. The Eastern Rite Churches, both Orthodox and Catholic, held that Mary is Immaculate, pure and Spotless, for she is free from actual Sin. She is regarded as the new Eve, for her Obedience to God is the exact opposite of Eve's disobedience in the Garden of Eden

Akathist Hymn to the Nativity of the Theotokos


    Your Nativity, O Virgin,
    Has proclaimed joy to the whole universe!
    The Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God,
    Has shone from You, O Theotokos!
    By annulling the curse,
    He bestowed a blessing.
    By destroying death, He has granted us eternal Life.


    By Your Nativity, O Most Pure Virgin,
    Joachim and Anna are freed from barrenness;
    Adam and Eve, from the corruption of death.
    And we, your people, freed from the guilt of sin, celebrate and sing to you:
    The barren woman gives birth to the Theotokos, the nourisher of our life!

For the Chanting of the Akathist Hymn in honour of the Birth of the Most Blessed Virgin Theotokos, below is a Video clip in honour of this Great Feast today

Богородице дѣво, радѹйсѧ,
Благодатнаѧ Марїе,
Господь съ тобою:
благословена Ты въ женахъ,
и благословенъ плодъ чрева Твоегω;
якω Спаса родила еси дѹшъ нашихъ
Bogoroditse Djevo, raduisya,
Blagodatnaya Marie,
Gospod s' toboyu:
Blagoslovyena tyh v' zhenakh,
Y blagosloslovyen plod chreva Tvoyego,
yako Spasa rodila yesi dush nashikh.

Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos
Mary full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
for thou hast borne the Saviour of our souls.

This prayer is the Eastern Variant of Hail Mary in Church Slavonic. for another Hymn of the Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, please click on this link about Agni Parthene, Rejoice, translated to O Bride Unwedded , in honour of the ever Virgin Mother of God Mary.


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